Posts for: #radio

KeithSDR Transceiver [Part 2]: Testing the display

In KeithSDR Transceiver [Part 1]: Building the software I have installed the Arduino IDE, Teensyduino and I have successfully compiled and upload the software of the KeithSDR receiver. Next I am trying to test the display. Testing the display To test the display I decided to use a breadboard to connect the display SPI interface to the Teensy, following this schematic. Then, I connected the Teensy to the laptop and I inspect the debug messages in the serial monitor to see if the Teensy recognizes the display.

KeithSDR Transceiver [Part 1]: Building the software

Summary I obtained my Radio Amateur license recently but I don’t own any HF radio that I can operate at the moment. I was looking for a HF transceiver I can build myself and I came across the KeithSDR project. KeithSDR is basically a SDR transceiver built using a Teensy 4.1 as main CPU board, a RA887X display and and RF receiver or transceiver capable of providing an I/Q audio output.